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Przesyłam rekomendacje, jedne z wielu
Compared with the general population, pregnancy in liver transplant recipients is associated with a greater risk of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. However, increasing data and experience with the management of these patients has enabled minimization of these risks such that successful pregnancy is becoming an expectation for both the patient and their care providers. Based on our literature review, we provide the following general recommendations for both prepregnancy counselling and management of the pregnant liver transplant recipient:
Return of menstrual function is common in the months after transplantation and, thus, preconception counselling is an essential part of pregnancy planning in the liver transplant recipient of childbearing age.
Timing of conception is an important consideration; it is advisable to wait at least one, preferably two years following successful transplantation before conceiving. Appropriate contraceptive advice regarding use of barrier or hormonal contraception should be provided in the interim.
Immunosuppression should be reviewed, and the risks and benefits of each medication discussed with the patient. MMF should not be used during pregnancy given its high risks of adverse fetal effects. Calcineurin inhibitors, steroids and azathioprine are considered to be safe and appropriate choices. Due to the theoretical risk of altered drug metabolism and general immunosuppressive state of pregnancy, graft function and immunosuppression should be closely monitored.
Once pregnant, routine monitoring of these women for pregnancy-induced hypertension and GDM should be undertaken given the increased risk of these conditions.
A skilled obstetrical care provider should be consulted to monitor the fetus for congenital malformations and growth restriction, although overall the risk is considered to be low.
Mode of delivery should be according to the usual obstetrical indications. Although vaginal delivery is a very reasonable option in most cases, a large proportion of these women deliver via Cesarean section.
Multidisciplinary management and care within a tertiary care referral centre, especially during complicated pregnancies, is essential. Open and frequent communication between the obstetrical care providers and the liver transplantation team is necessary for ongoing counselling, advice regarding pregnancy planning, and graft monitoring and management during pregnancy.
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